Dwarahat: A Place of Heavenly Gates in the Kumaon Hills

A photo of a hills from Dwarahat with a purple and pink sky in the background and the text “Hidden Gem in the Kumaon Hills” and “DWARAHAT”.

Are you looking for a destination that offers a mix of history, spirituality, adventure, and natural beauty? Do you want to explore a place that is not crowded by tourists but still has a lot to offer? If yes, then you should visit Dwarahat, a hidden gem in the Kumaon hills of Uttarakhand.

Dwarahat is a small town that lies in the Almora district of Uttarakhand. It is about 160 km from Nainital and 400 km from Delhi. Dwarahat means “the place of heavenly gates” and it truly lives up to its name. It is known for its group of ancient temples that date back to the 16th century when the region was a part of the Katyuri dynasty. Dwarahat also hosts the annual Nanda Devi Fair, dedicated to the goddess Nanda Devi, who is revered as the patron deity of Uttarakhand and the Himalayas. Dwarahat is surrounded by lush forests and rolling hills that offer a chance to explore the rich biodiversity of the Kumaon region. One of the most popular treks nearby is the trek to the ancient Pandukholi caves which are believed to be the home of the Pandavas during their exile period in the epic Mahabharata.

In this blog, we will tell you more about Dwarahat and why it is worth visiting. We will also share some tips and resources to help you plan your trip. So, let’s get started!

The Ancient Temples of Dwarahat

One of the main attractions of Dwarahat is its group of temples that showcase the architectural and cultural heritage of the Katyuri dynasty. The Katyuri dynasty ruled over parts of Uttarakhand and Nepal from the 7th to the 11th century CE. They were known for their patronage of art, literature, and religion. They built many temples and monuments in their kingdom, some of which are still standing today.

Dwarahat has about 55 temples that are spread across four groups: Ratneshwar group, Maniyan group, Mrityunjaya group, and Badrinath group. Some of the prominent temples are:

This temple is dedicated to Dunagiri Devi, who is another form of Nanda Devi. The temple is located on a hilltop and offers a panoramic view of the surrounding valleys and mountains. The temple is also associated with many legends and miracles. One of them is that Guru Dronacharya, the teacher of Pandavas and Kauravas, meditated here.

Mritunjay Mahadev Mandir, Dwarahat

This temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva as Mrityunjaya, who is the conqueror of death. The temple has a beautiful stone idol of Shiva with three faces and six arms. The temple also has a lingam that is said to be self-manifested.

Maniyan Temple, Dwarahat

This temple is dedicated to Maniyan Devta, who is believed to be an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. The temple has a rare idol of Vishnu with four heads and eight arms. The temple also has a stone inscription that mentions the name of King Bajbahadur Chand, who ruled over Kumaon in the 16th century.

These temples are not only places of worship but also examples of exquisite craftsmanship and artistry. They have intricate carvings, sculptures, paintings, and inscriptions that depict various scenes from Hindu mythology and history. They also have different styles and designs that reflect the influence of different dynasties and cultures that ruled over Kumaon

Festivals and Fairs at the Temples of Dwarahat


This festival is celebrated in February or March to honour Lord Shiva. The devotees offer prayers, milk, and flowers to the Shiva lingam and observe a fast. The Mrityunjaya Temple is the main venue for this festival.

Nanda Ashtami

This festival is celebrated in August or September to honour Goddess Nanda Devi. The devotees carry a palanquin of the goddess from the Nanda Devi Temple in Almora to the Dunagiri Temple in Dwarahat. The procession is accompanied by music, dance, and chants.


This festival is celebrated in September or October to mark the victory of good over evil. The devotees worship Mahasu Devta and his brothers and sisters. They also burn effigies of Ravana, Kumbhakarna, and Meghnad.

Local Delicacies and Souvenirs at the Temples of Dwarahat

  • Singori: This is a sweet dish made of khoya (milk solids) wrapped in a leaf of malu (a wild plant). It has a rich and creamy taste.
  • Baal Mithai: This is another sweet dish made of roasted khoya and coated with sugar balls. It has a chewy and crunchy texture.
  • Aipan: This is a traditional art form of Kumaon that involves drawing geometric and floral patterns on the walls, floors, and doors using rice paste and red ochre. It is believed to bring good luck and prosperity.

You can also watch some videos of the temples and the festivals on the YouTube channel of daajupahadi.com or visit their Facebook page for more updates and information.

The Nanda Devi Fair: A Vibrant Celebration of Faith and Culture

Another highlight of Dwarahat is the Nanda Devi Fair, which is one of the most popular and oldest fairs in Uttarakhand. The fair is held every year in April or May at the Maa Barahi Temple. The fair is dedicated to Goddess Nanda Devi, who is considered the patron deity of Uttarakhand and the Himalayas. She is also known as Raj Rajeshwari, meaning the queen of queens.

The fair attracts thousands of devotees and tourists from all over the state and beyond. The fair is a vibrant celebration of faith and culture that showcases the music, dance, and traditions of the Kumaon region. Some of the features of the fair are:

The Procession

The fair begins with a grand procession that carries the idol of Nanda Devi from the temple to a nearby ground. The procession is led by a group of priests who chant hymns and mantras. The Procession also includes various cultural troupes that perform folk songs and dances such as Chholiya, Jhora, Chhapeli, etc. It is followed by a large crowd of people who join in the festivities.

The Exhibition

The fair also hosts an exhibition that displays various products and services related to agriculture, handicrafts, education, health, etc. The exhibition provides an opportunity for the local people to showcase their skills and talents and also to learn from others. The exhibition also features some stalls that sell food, drinks, clothes, accessories, etc.

The Competition

The fair also organizes various competitions such as wrestling, kabaddi, volleyball, etc. The competitions are open for both men and women and attract many participants and spectators. The competitions are held in a spirit of sportsmanship and camaraderie.

The Entertainment

The fair also provides entertainment for the visitors through various cultural programs such as musical concerts, dance performances, comedy shows, etc. The programs feature some renowned artists from Kumaon as well as other parts of India. The programs are enjoyed by people of all ages and backgrounds.

The Nanda Devi Fair is not only a religious event but also a social and cultural one. It brings together people from different communities and regions and fosters a sense of unity and harmony among them. It also preserves and promotes the rich heritage and diversity of the Kumaon region.

You can watch some videos of the fair on the YouTube channel of daajupahadi.com or visit their Facebook page for more updates and information.

Pandukholi Caves: A Trek to the Mythical Abode of the Pandavas

The Pandukholi caves are a hidden treasure in the Kumaon hills of Uttarakhand. They are said to be the home of the Pandavas, the heroes of the epic Mahabharata, during their exile period.

The trek to the caves is a thrilling adventure that takes you through dense forests, meadows, streams, and rocky terrains. You can spot various wildlife and birds along the way. The trek takes about 4 to 5 hours one way and requires a moderate to high fitness level.

The caves are located on a hilltop and offer a stunning view of the surrounding valleys and mountains. The caves are also full of legends and stories that make them more fascinating. You can see some inscriptions and paintings that depict scenes from the Mahabharata. You can also visit a small temple near the caves where a priest offers prasad to the visitors.

The Pandukholi caves are a place of worship and wonder for many locals who believe that the Pandavas still live here and bless them. They also believe that the Pandavas cooked their food here using a divine stove given by Lord Indra and met their cousin Krishna here who advised them on how to win the war.

The Pandukholi trek is a unique experience that will make you feel closer to nature, history, and mythology. It is a trek that will make you appreciate the beauty and mystery of the Kumaon region.

Here are some tips and advice for trekkers who want to undertake this adventure:

  • The best time to visit the caves is from March to June or from September to November when the weather is pleasant and clear.
  • The nearest town to the caves is Dwarahat which is about 30 km away. You can reach Dwarahat by bus or taxi from Nainital or Almora. From Dwarahat, you can hire a jeep or a guide to take you to the base camp of the trek which is about 10 km away.
  • You should carry enough water, food, snacks, medicines, a torch, a camera, etc. for the trek. You should also wear comfortable clothes and shoes and carry a jacket or a sweater for the cold.
  • You should respect the nature and the culture of the place and avoid littering or disturbing the wildlife or the locals.
  • You should also be careful of the altitude and the terrain and avoid any risky or reckless behaviour.


Dwarahat is a hidden gem in the Kumaon hills that deserves more attention and appreciation from travellers. It is a destination that offers a unique blend of history, spirituality, adventure, and natural beauty. It is a destination that promises a unique experience to travellers looking for offbeat and lesser-explored gems in Uttarakhand.

If you are interested in visiting Dwarahat or learning more about it, you can visit daajupahadi.com for more information or book your trip. Daajupahadi.com is a platform for promoting the tourism and culture of Uttarakhand, especially the Kumaon region. They offer information, videos, blogs, and packages for various destinations and activities in the state.

You can also follow them on their YouTube channel or their Facebook page where they share their content and interact with their audience.

We hope you enjoyed reading this blog and found it useful. If you did, please share it with your friends and family who might be interested in visiting Dwarahat or Uttarakhand. Also, let us know your feedback or queries in the comments section below.

Thank you for reading and happy travelling! 😊

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