How Golu Devta became God of Justice: A legend from Kumaon

A statue of Golu Devta on a horse with a sword and a crown, surrounded by symbols of justice and bells.

Golu Devta is one of the most revered deities in the Kumaon region of Uttarakhand. He is worshipped as the god of justice or Nyay, and his devotees believe that he can grant their wishes and solve their problems. But who is Golu Devta and how did he become the God of Justice? In this blog post, we will explore the origin story of Golu Devta and his role in the culture and history of Kumaon.

The birth of Golu Devta

According to legend, Golu Devta was born as the son of King Jhal Rai and his wife Kalinka, who was the sister of two other local deities: Harishchand Devjyun and Sem Devjyun. King Jhal Rai ruled over Champawat, a district in Kumaon, and was a brave and generous ruler. He had two other wives, who were jealous of Kalinka and her son. They conspired to get rid of Golu Devta and replace him with a stone.

One day, when Kalinka was away, they took Golu Devta from his cradle and wrapped him in a cloth. They then threw him into a river, hoping that he would drown. They put a stone in his place and pretended that nothing had happened. However, Golu Devta was not destined to die. He was rescued by a fisherman, who found him floating in the river. The fisherman took him home and raised him as his own son.

The return of Golu Devta

When Golu Devta was eight years old, he had a strange dream. He saw a wooden horse flying in the sky and calling out to him. He woke up and told his foster father about it. The fisherman realized that Golu Devta was not an ordinary boy and decided to take him to Champawat to find out his true identity.

They reached Champawat on the day of a festival when King Jhal Rai was holding a public court. The fisherman told Golu Devta to wait outside while he went inside to seek an audience with the king. Meanwhile, Golu Devta saw the wooden horse from his dream standing near the palace gate. He climbed on it and rode it into the palace courtyard.

The wooden horse flew in the air and announced that Golu Devta was the true son of King Jhal Rai and that he had come to expose the treachery of his stepmothers. The king was shocked and asked for proof. The wooden horse told him to unwrap the cloth that covered the stone in his cradle. The king did so and found a stone instead of a baby. He realized that he had been deceived by his wives and ordered them to be punished.

The King then embraced Golu Devta as his son and heir and apologized for his negligence. He also thanked the fisherman for saving his son’s life and rewarded him generously. The people of Champawat rejoiced at the return of their prince and hailed him as their saviour.

The reign of Golu Devta

Golu Devta grew up to be a benevolent king who always delivered justice to his people. He inherited the qualities of his father and his uncles, who were also known for their wisdom and fairness. Golu Devta helped his people in their troubles and protected them from their enemies.

He also built many temples in honour of his uncles, Harishchand Devjyun and Sem Devjyun, who were also worshipped as gods in Kumaon. He also established his own temple at Chitai, where he installed his idol as the god of justice.

How his devotees honor him

Golu Devta is still worshipped as the god of justice in many temples across Kumaon, especially in Chitai, where devotees offer bells and letters to seek his blessings. It is believed that Golu Devta listens to every plea and grants every wish of his devotees. People also seek his forgiveness for their sins by offering animal sacrifices, which are later distributed among the poor.

Golu Devta is also considered the patron deity of many clans, communities, professions, and regions in Kumaon. He is invoked for various purposes, such as marriage, childbirth, education, health, wealth, success, justice, peace, etc. He is also celebrated in various festivals, such as Nanda Ashtami, Golu Jayanti, and Golu Devta Mela.

Golu Devta is a symbol of the rich culture and heritage of Kumaon. He is a legend who inspires faith, devotion, and justice among his followers. Golu is a god who is close to his people and responds to their needs. He is the God of Justice, Golu Devta.

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