Kamla Devi: The Voice of Kumaon

A folk singer from Kumaon, Kamla Devi, is invited to Coke Studio Bharat. The alt text shows her name and achievement on a blue background with yellow stripes and flowers.

Kamla Devi is a 50-year-old Kumaoni folk singer who has been invited to Coke Studio Bharat, a popular music show that showcases the diversity and richness of Indian music. She is the first folk artist from Uttarakhand to be invited to the show, and that is a remarkable feat for someone who hails from a remote and poor village in the Himalayan foothills.


The Life and Struggles of the Folk Singer – Kamla Devi

Kamla Devi’s life has not been easy. She faced many challenges and hardships as a folk singer in a society that did not value or respect her art form. She had to deal with poverty, illiteracy, gender discrimination, and lack of opportunities. Kamla Devi had to balance her domestic responsibilities as a wife and a mother of four children with her musical aspirations. She had to travel long distances on foot or by bus to reach different venues and audiences. She had to endure criticism and ridicule from some people who considered her singing as a lowly or vulgar activity.

Despite all these difficulties, Kamla Devi never gave up on her passion and dream. She continued to sing and perform with courage and conviction. She used her voice as a medium to express her emotions, opinions, and experiences. Kamla Devi used her songs as a tool to preserve and promote Kumaoni culture, which is rich in folklore, history, and traditions. She used her music as a way to connect with people and spread joy and harmony.

The Achievements and Accolades of Kamla Devi

Kamla Devi’s perseverance and dedication paid off. She gradually gained recognition and appreciation for her folk singing, both at the state and national level. She performed for All India Radio, Doordarshan, and the cultural department of Uttarakhand. Kamla Devi participated in various cultural events and competitions across the country. She won several awards and honours, such as the Uttarakhand Ratna Award, the Kumaon Gaurav Award, and the Sangeet Natak Akademi Award. She also received a fellowship from the Ministry of Culture, Government of India, to document and research Kumaoni folk songs.

Kamla Devi’s songs reflect her personality and passion. She sings with a clear and powerful voice that resonates with the listeners. She sings with a sense of pride and belonging that reflects her love for her land and people. Kamla Devi sings with a sense of humour and wit that reflects her spirit and attitude. Here are some quotes from her interviews or songs that show her essence:

  • “I sing because I love to sing. Singing is my life, my breath, my soul. I don’t care about fame or money. I just want to share my songs with the world.”
  • “Kumaoni folk songs are the treasures of our culture. They tell the stories of our ancestors, our gods, our heroes, our festivals, our customs, our values. They are the songs of our mountains, our rivers, our forests, our animals, our crops. They are the songs of our joys, our sorrows, our hopes, our fears, our struggles, our victories. They are the songs of our people.”

The Impact and Contribution of the Folk Legend

Kamla Devi is more than just a folk singer. She is a folk legend and the voice of Kumaon. She is an inspiration and a role model for many people, especially women and girls, who aspire to pursue their dreams and passions. Kamla Devi is a symbol of resilience and empowerment for the people of Uttarakhand, who face many challenges and issues in their daily lives. She is a representative of the diversity and richness of Indian music, which encompasses various forms and styles from different regions and communities.

Kamla Devi has made a significant impact and contribution to Kumaoni folk music and culture. She has preserved and promoted the heritage and identity of Kumaon through her songs and performances. She has documented and researched the history and evolution of Kumaoni folk songs and their social and cultural significance. Kamla Devi has created and composed new songs that reflect the contemporary realities and aspirations of Kumaon. She has collaborated and interacted with other folk artists and musicians from different parts of India and the world. She has educated and entertained millions of people with her music and message.

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I admire and appreciate Kamla Devi for her talent and courage. She is a remarkable woman who has overcome many obstacles and achieved many milestones in her musical journey. She is a living example of how one can follow their passion and make a difference in the world. Kamla Devi is a true star who shines bright with her voice and vision.

I hope you enjoyed reading this blog on Kamla Devi, the voice of Kumaon. If you did, please comment, share, or subscribe to my blog for more such stories and insights. And don’t forget to watch her on Coke Studio Bharat, where she will mesmerize you with her folk singing and charm. Thank you for your time and attention. 🙏

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