Tips to Travel Uttarakhand safely and smartly in the monsoon!

Uttarakhand in monsoon

Greener all around, more vibrant forest, the passing of mist and freshness all around. Monsoon offers us a lot, from the cultivation of crops to the romantic season. Traveling in monsoons is a lot of fun when nature becomes lively and romantic, but there are a few things to keep in mind before traveling in the monsoon.

Now travelers are showing more interest in traveling to Uttarakhand and exploring the unexplored parts here. But the monsoon here can be beautiful as well as scary. Here are some useful and important tips for traveling during the monsoon.

Know the place

Monsoon travel

Traveling to a new place with family and friends is full of excitement and joy. But you should check whether it is possible to travel here during the monsoon season. Some places in Uttarakhand receive heavier rainfall than others, so be sure to check the place you are visiting.

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Check weather forecast

weather forecast

Most parts of Uttarakhand receive a lot of rain during the monsoon months. If you are also thinking of going somewhere in Uttarakhand during the monsoon, then meteorology can help you. You must know the weather forecast for that place 2-3 days before and after. This will give you a lot of information about the weather there and will help you plan better.

Check the roads

roads in monsoon

Mr. Mukesh tells how he was stuck in the mountains for 10-12 days last year. In the month of October, it rained for 3 consecutive days destroying the Haldwani – Almora main road. Due to this many tourists had to face the problem, some took a very long way back home and some kept waiting for the road to open.

So, whenever you travel to the mountains in the rainy season, make sure that the route through which you have to travel is open.

Pack essentials – Rain coat/ footwear/ cloths

Always carry these essential items with you while traveling during the rainy season.

Raincoat / Umbrella

Raincoat and umbrella

This is something that makes it possible to go out in the rain. Sometimes it rains continuously in Uttarakhand, this helps us a lot.


waterproof shoes for monsoon

Special attention should be paid to the feet in the rainy season. Often, we go out wearing our favorite shoes, but do not make this mistake in the rainy season, always wear waterproof shoes or hiking sandals. And always wear shoes with good grip, the trails are very slippery in the rain.


drying cloths

Always carry an extra pair of clothing (including undergarments and socks) with you. Take quick drying clothes with you, it is raining so much that there will be no chance to dry clothes. And keep light warm clothes with you because the weather remains cold during the rainy season.

Book before you go

booking accomodation

You don’t want to be caught in the rainy season without bookings. Before leaving anywhere, make sure your accommodation arrangements are there. You can gather information about the weather there by talking to them (where you have done bookings).

Waterproof things

waterproofing things in monsoon

Gadgets have become very important to us today, whether it is useful for telling our family or friends about us or for filming our travels. Get a better covering or waterproofing solution for your gadgets before you go.

Medicines and Insect repellent

Hiker woman applying anti mosquito repellent on the leg during hiking in nature

Keep some essential medicines like paracetamol and insect repellent in your first aid kit before traveling in the monsoon. Many insects come out in the rain and you will want to stay away from them. Although there are no mosquitoes in high-altitude areas, but always carry a mosquito repellent with you.

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