Neem Karoli Baba, also known as Maharajji, was a Hindu guru and a devotee of Hanuman. He is known for his miracles and his teachings of love, service, and devotion. He passed away in 1973, but his influence lives on through his disciples and followers, some of whom are the most influential people in the world of technology. In this blog post, we will explore how Neem Karoli Baba inspired Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, and other tech giants, and what lessons we can learn from his life and teachings.
Steve Jobs: The Quest for Enlightenment
Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple and Pixar, was one of the most visionary and innovative entrepreneurs of all time. He revolutionized the fields of personal computing, animation, music, mobile devices, and digital publishing. He was also a seeker of spiritual wisdom and enlightenment.
In 1974, Jobs travelled to India with his friend Daniel Kottke, searching for a guru who could guide them to enlightenment. They heard about Neem Karoli Baba from Ram Dass, an American spiritual teacher who was a disciple of Maharajji. They decided to visit his ashram in Kainchi Dham, a small town in the Himalayas.
However, when they arrived at the ashram, they were disappointed to learn that Maharajji had left the place a few days earlier. They tried to find him in other locations, but they were unsuccessful. They never got to meet him in person.
But that did not stop Jobs from being influenced by Maharajji’s teachings. He read books by Ram Dass and other devotees of Maharajji, such as Be Here Now and Miracle of Love. Jobs learned about Maharajji’s philosophy of simplicity, compassion, and detachment. He also adopted a vegetarian diet and practised meditation.
Jobs later said that his trip to India was one of the most important experiences of his life. It helped him to see the world in a different way and to develop his intuition and creativity. He also said that he felt a connection with Maharajji, even though he never met him.
Jobs once said: “I think different religions are different doors to the same house. Sometimes I think the house exists, and sometimes I don’t. It’s the great mystery.”
Mark Zuckerberg: The Pilgrimage to Kainchi Dham
Mark Zuckerberg, the co-founder and CEO of Facebook, is one of the most influential and powerful people in the world of social media. He created a platform that connects billions of people across the globe and shapes the way we communicate, share, and learn.
Zuckerberg is also a follower of Neem Karoli Baba. He was introduced to Maharajji by Steve Jobs himself. In 2011, when Zuckerberg visited Jobs at his home in Palo Alto, Jobs advised him to visit Kainchi Dham and see Maharajji’s ashram.
Zuckerberg followed Jobs’ advice and travelled to India in 2012. He visited Kainchi Dham and spent some time at Maharajji’s ashram. He also met some of Maharajji’s disciples who were still living there.
Zuckerberg later said that his visit to Kainchi Dham was a “very meaningful” experience for him. He said that he learned about Maharajji’s teachings of love and service to humanity. He also said that he felt inspired by Maharajji’s vision of connecting people through technology.
Zuckerberg once said: “The thing that I learned from Maharajji is that you can build something that’s really good for people if you care about them first.”
Neem Karoli Baba: A Guide To Fearless Living
Other Tech Giants: The Legacy of Maharajji
Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg are not the only tech giants influenced by Neem Karoli Baba. There are many others who have visited Kainchi Dham or read about Maharajji’s teachings.
Some examples are:
- Larry Brilliant: The co-founder of The Well (one of the first online communities) and the former director of Google.org (Google’s philanthropic arm). He was a personal doctor and friend of Maharajji.
- Jeff Skoll: The co-founder of eBay and the founder of Participant Media (a film production company that focuses on social issues). He visited Kainchi Dham in 2009.
- Jack Dorsey: The co-founder and CEO of Twitter and Square (a mobile payment company). He visited Kainchi Dham in 2015.
- Evan Williams: The co-founder of Blogger (one of the first blogging platforms) and Medium (a publishing platform). He visited Kainchi Dham in 2016.
- Julia Roberts: The famous Hollywood actress and producer. She converted to Hinduism after reading about Maharajji and visiting his ashram in Rishikesh.
These are just some of the examples of how Neem Karoli Baba has inspired many tech giants and celebrities. His legacy continues to spread through his books, his ashrams, and his devotees.
नीम करोली बाबा की अद्भुत सिद्धियाँ | Neem Karoli Baba| Maharaj Ji | Sadhguru Hindi
Conclusion: The Lessons from Maharajji
Neem Karoli Baba was a humble and straightforward guru who touched the lives of many people with his love, service, and devotion. He taught us that the true purpose of life is to serve others and to realize our oneness with God.
Some of the lessons that we can learn from Maharajji are:
- Simplicity: Maharajji lived a simple life, wearing only a blanket and eating only fruits. He taught us that we don’t need material possessions or comforts to be happy. We should be content with what we have and not be attached to anything.
- Compassion: Maharajji loved everyone unconditionally, regardless of their religion, caste, gender, or status. He taught us that we should love everyone as ourselves and treat everyone with respect